Today's Insurance Professionals

Members please show your appreciation and support for our 2023 IAIP Convention sponsors and exhibitors. Our annual convention’s success is dependent upon their support! 6 STAR CONVENTION SPONSOR LEGACY FOUNATION IS ALSO A GOLD CORPORATE PARTNER 4 STAR CONVENTION SPONSORS ICW GROUP IS ALSO A SILVER CORPORATE PARTNER 3 STAR CONVENTION SPONSORS 2 STAR CONVENTION

The 2023 IAIP Convention began with a loud cheer and almost 200 members (including 35 First Timers) played ‘Simon Says’ with Jan Spence, our inspiring keynote speaker who taught us that to be a true leader we must be a cheer-leader. The Ignite panelists shared with us an engaging state of the industry discussion. And

 By Geraldine Plott, CPCU, FCLA, SCLA, AIC, ARM, AIS, AINS, CIIP, DAE, CLP-A What does the NAIW Legacy Foundation mean to you? Have you been a part of the foundation? Have you gained any assistance from the foundation? Have you donated? Do you know what the foundation does? Do you know how the foundation functions?

reprinted with permission from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) The Department of State alerts U.S. citizens to the Hurricane Season which lasts through November 2023. Hurricane Season in the Atlantic begins June 1 and runs through November 30. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center expects the 2023 season to be near-normal or average.  NOAA