By Brenda Buck, CPCU, CIC, CPIW, CLP
I think of my career as more than just a job with a paycheck. It is a major part of my life story. It is made up of skills, tools, relationships, experiences, challenges and rewards. My participation as an active member of IAIP and CPCU has provided me with all of these things.
I would love to have others (that includes you!) experience everything that belonging to an industry association has to offer. Here is my advice:
Participate in all that your schedule allows. Local, council, regional and international meetings and conferences, committees and task forces, leadership roles, fundraisers, and community service projects.
Be curious and never stop learning. Monthly programs, Mastermind groups, IAIP courses and designations.
Adapt to change with an attitude of ‘try it you’ll like it’. Diverse programs, activities and events including the Special Interest Communities.
Be respectful even when you disagree. Business sessions, board meetings, and debates. Be considerate of people’s time.
Never be afraid of suggesting improvements or expressing new ideas. Revising by-laws, updating to new technology, ways and means (fundraising), supporting other charitable causes.
Exercise freedom within the framework. Be creative without breaking the rules. Brainstorm solutions.
Always strive for balance while realizing there will be ups and downs. Personal and professional, mental and physical, celebrations and challenges.
Give of your time and treasure to community or charitable organizations. Volunteer, collect and donate.
Ask for what you want and how you want it to be. Set and work toward your goals while sharing with others and they will help you achieve them.
This or something better! You may not know exactly what you want or how to get it, but with the support of friends, family and mentors you will experience success.
Brenda Buck, CPCU, CIC, CPIW, CLP is an active IAIP member in New Hampshire. Brenda is a semi-retired Commercial Lines Advisor for USI Insurance Services LLC.