While I had hoped when the IAIP International Convention returned to the center of the United States in 2025 it would return to Kansas City, it was not to be. The 2001 IAIP International Convention which was co-hosted by Region V and then Region VII in the border city between the two Regions of Kansas City was my first International Convention. It was a true production from the opening ceremony that included a parade of flags carried by the Council (then state) Directors to nine CWC Contestants. I remember listening to the CWC contestants and thinking some day I am going to do that. Flash forward 12 years and I did at the International Convention in Orlando in 2013, taking home the coveted winner’s award and it only took me five tries to get to that international stage and competition.
2001 was my rookie year in IAIP and being a member of one of the host associations was very exciting. I helped fill goodie bags, served cookies in one of the break receptions, and served as a host in the hospitality suite. To this day I can remember the experience. I remember crying at the touching speech from the CWC contestant from Alaska, seeing one of my fellow members of the Greater Kansas City Insurance Association walk across the stage as the Region V RVP. It was thanks to her mentorship and the mentoring of other GKCIA members that I felt prepared to serve as the Region V RVP in 2009-2010. To our new members, I encourage you to serve at any level in any capacity or to take part in one or more of the micro volunteer opportunities to get a true appreciation of what your membership in this organization can mean to you personally and professionally. And to give you opportunities to grow your network and engagement.
In those 23 years since that first convention, I have missed only three international conventions because of personal obligations having to take precedence. And I can truly say that I felt like I missed out when I wasn’t able to attend. Over those 23 years I have served in various capacities from CWC Speak-Off Contestant to award applicant or winner to Twitterati member to official photographer to Missouri Council or Region V officer. And after every one of those conventions, I’ve returned with a head full of new ideas and knowledge and a heart full of memories.
As a result of attending 20 out of 23 of those International Convention:
- I visited places I may not have traveled to otherwise and learned more about another area of the country. It is how I managed to visit Anchorage, Alaska in 2002. Oklahoma City is no different. If you’re coming by car, be sure and take a little detour on your way to travel on the Mother Road, Route 66 and see some of the fun little tourists’ sites along the way, like the Blue Whale of Catoosa or the Golden Driller in Tulsa. Or get out of the hotel and spend the evening in Bricktown on a water taxi tour, or attend an Oklahoma City Comets baseball game, or maybe having a steak dinner at Mickey Mantle’s Steak House down the street from the stadium.
- I met new members from other states or regions, expanding my network and making new friends.
- And I’ve added memories and stories of the time we did that ….. or this happened …. Without my membership in IAIP and attending the International Convention I may not have had that experience that became a cherished memory or story. Ask me about our road trip to Denali in 2002. When those of us who took off in that minivan get together, the story of that adventure is remembered as vividly as if it was just yesterday and it always ends with laughter.
So, Region 6, the IAIP International Convention is in the heart of your region in 2025, and I sincerely hope that you’ll feel that pride and excitement that I did when I attended my first convention in 2001 in Kansas City. Being the host region is your chance to attend an International Convention, to let your pride in your home region shine and to be the unofficial ambassador to the visiting members. While we may be smaller than we were in 2001 and we may no longer have the parade of flags, there are still wonderful CWC contestants to listen to and cheer on; fantastic and inspiring keynote speakers to give you new ideas and inspiration; and educational opportunities to earn another designation or to take home new skills or information.
For our first-timers, you will never forget your first International Convention. But even if it’s not your first International Convention, I hope you will attend the IAIP International Convention, June 19-22, 2025 in Oklahoma City to:
- support the host region
- explore our hosts’ hometown
- cheer on the CWC Contestants and award applicants
- be inspired by the keynote speaker
- make a new friend
- get a new idea
And to take home a head full of memories and smiles from a place you might not have visited if it wasn’t for the IAIP International Convention being there.
Brenda McDermott, CPCU, CLP, SCLA, CIIP, SCLA, ARM, AIDA, AIC is a workers’ compensation claims specialist in The Hartford’s Major Case Unit. She is a past International Rookie, Claims Professional of the Year, Risk Management Professional of the Year and International CWC Speak-Off winner. She was the 2022 Region V Insurance Professional of the Year. She has been a long-time member of IAIP and served in multiple offices at the local, state, and regional levels. A Past Region V RVP she is currently serving as the Region 5 Marketing Director and Assistant to the RVP. She is Co-Chair of the International Marketing and Today’s Insurance Professional Committee. She is an MAL in Region 5 from Missouri.